How do we start?
Map out your hypothesis
Draw some preliminary designs
(Apps, Dashboards, Websites)
Then we create a real looking product.
And then test these products with real customers.
This process will save you time, money & resources...
But most importantly ensure that sure that you are building the
Right App or software
Test prelimary designs
Complete all pages
What is Plan & Design??
Help you biuld the right strategy
An extremely important step where we essentially work with you and your customers before we develop any solutions.
Test Designs with your customers
Once we have a good understanding of your clients/customers we start to test screens with them and how they interact and use these screens
Build a fully fledged product
Should these tests prove to be fruitful the next step is to brand it and create a simple user experience across multiple dimensions and pages.
Let's see some examples
We have worked with many companies from small to large.
Rental Shield LTD
Tailored Design
Full Setup
This use case was in the real estate space. Most people want to pay their rent online via a credit card. And from the outside it looks simple. Just issue a link to pay. right?
In fact this turned out to be a very complicated use case with several Key stakeholders involved and the tech had to make sure all of them are satisfied. From security deposits, to digital negoations, and deep analytical accounting.
Data Strucutre
Resource Map
Cost Analysis
TLNT App was built to rival linked-in and essentially bring the recruitment process to life. Again simple from the outside but very detailed and complicated the further you go.
Through the tech we are trying to get an understanding of peoples culture and whether or not that company culture would fit with them. It is way deeper than just an answer and question session, and requires technology to basically develop gut instincts and match accordingly.
24/7 Maintenance website
Regular Updates
Quick Fix
Page Swap
24/7 Maintenance was trying to improve their whole customer experience and ensure that people where finding the correct targeted ads for them and that they where booking accordingly.
We worked on the rebranding of the whole image and how we get customers looking into their services. We helped them also consider how customer data should be analysed and taking the product to the next level.
Some of our Clients
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